Watch My Horses Run

Watch My Horses Run

Horse_CameraFinally I got around to putting a new TV in the office, and best of all it was a present from my good lady, not to sure what i actually did to deserve it, i suspect though that it may have something to do with my constant grumbling about needing to get the office up and running with a TV.

Watching the racing on the computer screen is ok but it’s just not the same. I do love having At The Races or Racing UK on in the background while I’m either working or more importantly looking for selections. Its taken me far to long to actually getting around to sorting out live action.

You do feel more in-touch with racing when you absorb yourself in it and have it around you on a daily basis, whether thats in the form of reading blog articles, or grabbing a copy of the racing post for me though you just can’t beat having the racing on in the background. TV or radio, works for me. Must admit i do really enjoy listening to the radio some of the chaps commentating are really good they give great information out as well, i won’t mention which bookmaker but they are over the hill.

I know lots of people out there who hate watching the racing when they have a few bets on,  but for me I’ve always preferred to watch my horses run. When I’m busy however and can’t spare the time then once my bets are on I just forget about them until the next day. I am however trying to cut my day to day working hours to try and spend more time watching.

“Like most things to do with racing it’s all down to personal preference really”

If you can’t handle watching the races you bet in because it leaves you feeling like a bag of nerves then don’t do it to yourself. I used to get emails from a guy years ago who was asking me how i handle watching the races as he was in a cold sweet and his wife was laughing at him. I think they fell out a few times reading between the lines. I told him its a very simple fix, click the red button on the TV remote control, its magic. He replied and said yes but i want to watch the race.

Sometimes best to just go and do something else and come back later with a brandy to check the results, not really worth giving yourself an nervous breakdown for the sake of a race.

On the other hand if you want to learn more from racing then there is no better way than to watch the horse running and see how the race pans out. If your doing live in-play then it’s essential as you get a far greater understanding rather than simply looking at the odds change on Betfair.


So the office looks better and I’m much happier now, funny how presents seem to lift the mood. All i need now is a decent chair, im now dropping hints about my bad back, so fingers crossed a new chair might arrive next.

Have a great weekend,

 Talk Soon



Betting Software Guy

Here at iRace Vision, you’ll find a recollection of the BSG as he’s known (Betting Software Guy) thoughts and opinions based on  professional experience regarding subjects and issues that are of interest to us all in the horse racing environment. Initially the blog was established as a means of bringing help and advice to people in a interesting way. BSG is passionate about horse racing, and has gone from novice punter to self taught pro, software developer and owner over the last 15 years. His main focus is to provide his members with the best quality horse racing software and racing advice, he has a tendency to make a lot of video tutorials and has developed a number of methods and free training over the years. If his head is not stuck in a book or reading horses form, or working on new ways to find more winning selections then he aint happy. You may find him at the race course from time to time or occasionally horse riding, however his days or ever hoping to become a jockey were delivered a cruel blow when he was introduced to the world of pastry at a young age. Feel free to take a look around and leave a comment, you can contact the BSG on the details below. 

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