Horse Racing Stats

This Will Be The Best Year Yet.

timthumbHi everyone, hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and New Year.

Now that we have all that out of the way I just wanted to say you’re going to be hearing allot more from me this coming year.

I don’t want to say too much right now but it’s certainly going to be an exciting year for all of us involved with the racing software. Everything the Team plans to do is for two main reasons;

1: For You Our Members
2: To Improve The Betting Industry As A Whole.

As you know the software has taken me from a simple PDF and spreadsheet to now having the current form reading software for members to use on a daily basis.

“I’ve decided this year to really go out on a whim for all my members past, present and future so expect fantastic things to happen this year”

For all those who are struggling with their betting or just not finding the time or dedication required to succeed in this market. Well I’m here to help, I’m here to stay and I’m here to show you all the potential of the product you already have in much greater detail than ever before.

I’m busy working behind the scenes and the software is becoming an unstoppable force which is on my mind 24/7, so watch this space and soon enough we will be getting 2011 off the start we all hope for.

As I write this post this morning it seems the weather is playing havoc with the race card yet again, Bangor-on Dee has already been cancelled and the change in ground conditions over the next couple of days will no doubt play a part in the number of non runners throughout the card and affecting prices, so bear that in mind when making any selections. December was certainly affected by all the snow and even the A.W tracks seemed to struggle to put on a decent event as the number of Bumper races filled the race card. My advice is if you’re not sure about how a selection may handle the sudden change in ground, try to get the latest state of the “Going” from the course and assume it to be worse than described.

Keep your eye out for a survey coming your way from me really soon. Don’t be scared as it’s going to be quick to complete and the results will be used to help us move even closer to your betting requirements as well as being greatly appreciated.

Ok that’s all for now,

Talk soon

Betting Software Guy

One thought on “This Will Be The Best Year Yet.

  1. Hi Simon,

    The original system which was back from 2007 has been taken out of circulation as we have no need for it, due to the development of the software and all that goes with it! I appreciate that you bought an original copy, seems like a lifetime ago, I am sure that a copy of the rules that I gave away when I launched the software last July are still on the blog the pdf rules and of course the spreadsheet, as you already know it does take time to manually do this but it’s there if you want it, just click on the PDF to grab it, I’d do it soon though as we are upgrading to a new fancy blog! Have a good weekend.

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