No system you work on is ever truly complete.
Where do we start with this one, well because racing is a constantly ever changing dynamic then we need to be able to adapt with it. With so many variants competing with each other and with new methods and ways to be able to predict winners then there is really no 100% chance of ever completing the perfect system.
The same can be said for form reading it’s not something which follows a set of rules, certainly not fixed rules anyway. We can of course start with some quick checks and then have a plan to follow in the form of a working method.
We do however need to stay vigilant and be able to adapt not only when the race calls for such actions, such as adverse weather conditions, non runners, jockey change… So if form reading takes skill and focus and reading between the lines ability, then systems must do the same to survive long term..! Right.
To allow them to keep hitting their proposed strike rates or to at least continue in the right direction, systems need to evolve organically, by this in an ideal world we need someone at the other end actually working on those systems, daily, weekly or at the least monthly.
One way to do this is to monitor results, sure, but this alone with only get you so far, the ability to test and apply new formulas and methods must be done in order to keep us moving forward.
“Some systems never work, and never will”
Other have a bit of luck and work for a while others but maybe rely of big prices to save us from all the losing runs. I do think though that we need to be aware that sometimes some systems or methods just don’t work out or even just run their course. This is one reason why I like form reading and tools to help you to form read in a more complete well rounded type of way.
Of course i would say such things especially as i own horse racing software, but its only through hard work, a lot of testing and precision that im able to have software in place to allow my form reading or speed reading to take place when ever i decide to look at a race.
It also doesn’t just work for me it works for all my members aswell, i know what i have worked on actually does work for others. Where as with certain systems and i don’t mean all of them but im sure you can tell the difference between something half decent and something which has been thrown together by someone looking for a quick few sales. In form reading V’s systems, form reading wins every time, it allows you to fix yourself into a method and set of skills to allows you to then set rules to follow, yet it keeps an open mind and allows you to take onboard any other factors which crop up daily with racing.
“It allows you to adapt and change as you go, it allows you to get a feel for a race before continuing”
It most of all allows you to walk away.
Some systems just tie you down to criteria, methods which cannot read between the lines. Now the flip side to this coin is with some working systems you just have to stick with then methodically. They have to run otherwise with our best intervention then usually fail. This is down to people tinkering without knowing what they are either doing it simply making bad decisions, usually missing bets they should have places and placing bets they are supposed to subsequently miss.
We can’t get it right all the time but what we can do is keep our eye in, our finger on the pulse, cast our nets into the racing waters and hope for the best. (I did try to go for another analogy, but three is enough…) i hope.
Wining and losing go hand in hand but betting randomly or following blind systems which are not monitored or designed to be able to cope with the odd or lets say many bumps in the road will leave us completely deflated.
Learning to form read is a craft it’s a skill, some or better than others, we all do it differently, or place one important factor ahead of another although we may still follow a similar path to get us to the correct end result.
“It’s about making the method fit your own betting style”
I do think that some systems although doomed form the start, can be adapted and made to work along side your already selection making process. Even if they just help you qualify the no hopers.
By that I mean a layer will be looking at a different angle and form reading in a different manor than someone looking for value bets or a couple of decent favourite bets for the day. Someone who is obsessed with training and jockey profiles will go about his/her business differently from someone strictly looking at ratings.
Systems though although many are produced with good intentions, sadly fail, most of this can be put down to the actual length of testing involved in producing the system in the first place. Trying to force or rush the selection making process to find winners which are tied to a system, usually ends in a crashing fall.
Whatever your means of deliberation, be progressive decide what you prefer in terms of form reading priorities. By that I mean such filters as, ATS, Official Ratings, Ground, Course Wins or Place, Race competition in terms of strength and quality of horses running against each other. If you are struggling with your form reading or simply don’t have the time, my advice is to avoid those systems which seem very poor in terms of method or actual racing back up.
“Quality tipsters and system providers worth their weight in gold are hard to find”
They are out there if you look. Remember any system which does not provide support or show you everything they have in terms of what they actually do to make the selections or methods work, obviously they cannot give you all the details. The one’s who are laying the cards on the table are the ones to look out for, you never know you might just find a few decent people like us around.
You get the idea.
Talk Soon & enjoy the weekend,
(betting software guy)
hi I cannot login to my system how do I contact your support
Hi, can you tell me what you are trying to log into then i can help you out 😉
how much
Hi Michael, im not selling anything at the moment. Thanks for the comment.